Agile Methoden wie Scrum werden mittlerweile in den meisten Unternehmen eingesetzt, einige Studien gehen davon aus, dass 80% aller Unternehmen agile Prozesse einsetzen, konservativere Studien sprechen von etwas mehr als der Hälfte. In den meisten Fällen dürfte sich dies jedoch weiterhin auf den Einsatz von Scrum oder Kanban in Teilbereichen der Unternehmen, wenigen Teams oder Projekten beschränken.
Ansätze, um hinweg über viele Teams zu skalieren (Scaling Agile) fehlen häufig und werden für größere Unternehmen die auf Agilität setzen möchten immer wichtiger. Häufig scheitern Implementierungen von Scrum jedoch an dem fehlenden übergeordneten Koordinierungsbedarf, da der Fokus in den meisten Fällen zu sehr auf die Entwicklungs-Teams und weniger auf die Unternehmens- oder Portfolioebene gelegt wird. Besonder viele Reibungsverluste gibt es bei der Integration von agilen Organisationsteilen (z.B.: Entwicklung von neuen Systemen) und weiterhin eher traditionell organisierten Organisationsteilen (z.B.: Vertriebsorganisation, Abteilungen mit Fokus auf Wartung, Zulieferer).
Die Fragestellung, wie agile Methoden in größeren Unternehmen eingesetzt werden können, ist jedoch nicht neu. In der Reihe „Scaling Agile & Lean“ stellen wir einige der bekanntesten Frameworks und Methoden die hierbei Anwendung finden vor.
Scaled Agile @ Spotify im Detail
Einen sehr interessanten Ansatz für die Skalierung von agilen Teams verfolgt Spotify. Hier wurde auf über 30 Teams („Squads“) skaliert. Teams die in einem Kontext arbeiten, werden in sogenannten „Tribes“ gruppiert. Der Kontextübergreifende Austausch geschieht durch die Etablierung von so genannten “Chapters”.
Diese Begrifflichkeiten mögen für einige gewöhnungsbedürftig sein aber sind sicherlich für viele Agilisten attraktiv, da diese häufig den klassischen Methodenwerken schon alleine wegen der vielfach missbrauchten Begrifflichkeiten ablehnend gegenüber stehen.
New article: Scaling Agile @ Spotify with Tribes, Squads, Chapters & Guilds.
Entspricht in etwa den üblichen agilen Teams, wobei kein spezifisches Vorgehen oder Framework wie beispielsweise Scrum oder Kanban vorgeschrieben ist. Es gibt einen Product Owner, der die Themen vorgibt und jemanden, der sich um das Team und die Einhaltung von Regeln kümmert (“Agile Coach”). Der “Agile Coach” gehört nicht ausschließlich zu einem Squad er muss aber für „seine“ Mitarbeiter verfügbar sein.
Finally the long awaited CIF (Continuous Improvement Framework) has been announced by Ken Schwaber / („Scale Scrum beyond your Team„).
A first overview has been made available to the public.
Time to cover CIF in our series about scaling Agile/Lean!Finally the long awaited CIF (Continuous Improvement Framework) has been announced by Ken Schwaber / („Scale Scrum beyond your Team„).
A first overview has been made available to the public.
Time to cover CIF in our series about scaling Agile/Lean!
Übersetzt und aktualisiert durch Hans-Peter Korn, erscheint als Teil des Buches „Agiles IT-Management in großen Unternehmen“, veröffentlicht durch Symposion Publishing.
On November 22nd the first Agile Tour Germany was held in Stuttgart. Part of the event was a meet up of experts for the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) which was discussed in several presentations and in an Open Space session.
Short Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework
Markus Meuten did a good job in his presentation where he explained an approach how to successfully combine Scrum and Kanban.
Short Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework
Hans-Peter Korn did a fantastic job by giving a short introduction to SAFe in just about 20 minutes. In his presentation he delivered the key ideas behind SAFe and why we are going to need such an approach when we want to scale agile.
Rally: Tools supporting SAFe
In her short talk Wanda Marginean presented how Rally Software (one of the sponsor of Agile Tour Germany) is supporting agile management on the portfolio and program level.
Later I had the chance to host an Open Space session about the Scaled Agile Framework where we had discussions about more details. As usual when discussing SAFe the time reserved for the session was too short to adress all questions raised but once again Hans-Peter did a good job by shedding light on some more aspects of the framework.
SAFe Meetup Germany
We then met for the SAFe meetup and had another picture taken.
The Shocking Truth: You still need to think using your own brain!
Unfortunately the shocking truth is that you still need to think about what you are going to do and how to organize even if you use a process framework like the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and tools from Rally supporting it. In detail SAFe may even proof incorrect and false! So it is helpful but not always correct ;-).
We had fun in Stuttgart and the first Agile Tour in Germany was a great success with a lot of opportunities to meet interesting people and learn great new stuff. This year everybody was talking about how to scale agile and with SAFe we had a good (helpful answer) to many of the questions. Looking forward to the next Agile Tour events in Germany!
Attendees listening to the presentations. Fully booked, no free seats available!
Every chance was used for intensive discussions!
Markus Meuten explaining how to successfully combine Scrum and Kanban.
Hans-Peter Korn talking about scaling agile and the Scaled Agile Framework.
Wanda Marginean showing how Rally is supporting the Scaled Agile Framework in their products
From right to left: Wanda Marginean, Felix Rüssel and Markus Meuten. All certified SAFe consultants.
Summarizing the results of the Open Space session about Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).
Got angry after I realized that even with SAFe and tools from Rally I still need to think and do my job carefully. Still no „silver bullet“ or „golden hammer“ at hand …
On November 22nd the first Agile Tour Germany was held in Stuttgart. Part of the event was a meet up of experts for the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) which was discussed in several presentations and in an Open Space session.
Short Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework
Markus Meuten did a good job in his presentation where he explained an approach how to successfully combine Scrum and Kanban.
Short Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework
Hans-Peter Korn did a fantastic job by giving a short introduction to SAFe in just about 20 minutes. In his presentation he delivered the key ideas behind SAFe and why we are going to need such an approach when we want to scale agile.
Rally: Tools supporting SAFe
In her short talk Wanda Marginean presented how Rally Software (one of the sponsor of Agile Tour Germany) is supporting agile management on the portfolio and program level.
Later I had the chance to host an Open Space session about the Scaled Agile Framework where we had discussions about more details. As usual when discussing SAFe the time reserved for the session was too short to adress all questions raised but once again Hans-Peter did a good job by shedding light on some more aspects of the framework.
SAFe Meetup Germany
We then met for the SAFe meetup and had another picture taken.
The Shocking Truth: You still need to think using your own brain!
Unfortunately the shocking truth is that you still need to think about what you are going to do and how to organize even if you use a process framework like the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and tools from Rally supporting it. In detail SAFe may even proof incorrect and false! So it is helpful but not always correct ;-).
We had fun in Stuttgart and the first Agile Tour in Germany was a great success with a lot of opportunities to meet interesting people and learn great new stuff. This year everybody was talking about how to scale agile and with SAFe we had a good (helpful answer) to many of the questions. Looking forward to the next Agile Tour events in Germany!
Attendees listening to the presentations. Fully booked, no free seats available!
Every chance was used for intensive discussions!
Markus Meuten explaining how to successfully combine Scrum and Kanban.
Hans-Peter Korn talking about scaling agile and the Scaled Agile Framework.
Wanda Marginean showing how Rally is supporting the Scaled Agile Framework in their products
From right to left: Wanda Marginean, Felix Rüssel and Markus Meuten. All certified SAFe consultants.
Summarizing the results of the Open Space session about Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe).
Got angry after I realized that even with SAFe and tools from Rally I still need to think and do my job carefully. Still no „silver bullet“ or „golden hammer“ at hand …
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